Want to Learn Python? Try These 8 Free Online Resources

Enhance your coding skills with these free Python resources at your fingertips

Python has become one of the most popular programming languages in recent years due to its simplicity and versatility. According to the TIOBE Index, Python is currently ranked as the third most popular programming language globally. Its readability and extensive libraries make it a top choice for web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and automation tasks.

Industry experts attribute Python’s rise to its user-friendly syntax, which makes it accessible to beginners while offering advanced features for experienced developers. With a strong community support system and a wide range of applications across various industries, Python continues to gain traction as a go-to language for both professionals and enthusiasts alike.

Why Learn Python?

Learning Python is beneficial due to its versatility and ease of use. Python is widely used in various industries such as web development, data science, artificial intelligence, and automation. Its simple syntax makes it accessible for beginners while offering powerful capabilities for advanced users. According to Forbes, Python is one of the most in-demand programming languages today, making it a valuable skill for career advancement.

Moreover, Python’s extensive library support allows developers to leverage pre-built modules for various tasks, reducing development time and effort. As stated by TechCrunch, companies like Google, Facebook, and Netflix rely on Python for their backend systems, highlighting its importance in the tech industry. Learning Python opens up opportunities for individuals to work on exciting projects and contribute to cutting-edge technologies shaping our world today.

Top 8 Free Online Resources for Learning Python

Learning Python has never been easier with the abundance of free resources available online:

1. Learn Python | freeCodeCamp

Level: Beginner 

This tutorial covers the basics of Python in a 4.26-hour long session. It begins with instructions on installing Python and PyCharm, then delves into core concepts such as data types, variables, loops, and object functions. Additionally, the tutorial demonstrates how to create a translator, calculator, guessing game, and multi-choice quiz.

2. Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Coursera’s Python) | Coursera

Level: Beginner 

This Coursera course is designed for beginners looking to gain a certification in Python programming. It covers the fundamentals of Python before moving on to more advanced topics such as loops and functions. The course also provides a live coding environment, eliminating the need for users to install Python and PyCharm.

3. Learn Python for Total Beginners | Udemy

Level: Beginner 

This course consists of 32 lectures divided into eight sections, covering functions, files, control flow, data structures, and loops. It also provides an overview of the fundamentals of programming languages using Anaconda and Python 3, utilizing the Jupyter Notebook IDE, which students are required to install and get comfortable with.

4. Introduction to Python | Microsoft

Level: Beginner 

This beginner-friendly course is ideal for those with minimal coding experience or newcomers to programming. Learners will learn how to operate Python applications, develop a basic Python application that utilizes input to produce output, establish variables, and utilize the Python interpreter to execute scripts and commands. The course consists of 8 units and lasts for just 16 minutes.

5. Python Class | Google

Level: Beginner 

This Google course is for beginners with a basic understanding of programming and some experience. It includes video lectures and written materials on Python basics, with challenges getting harder as you progress.

6. Learn Python 3 from Scratch | educative

Level: Beginner

This course includes 80 lessons, 2 assessments, 60 illustrations, 161 playgrounds, 10 challenges, and 6 quizzes. Starting with Python fundamentals, it progresses to higher-level concepts such as loops and functions. Like Coursera’s course, educative’s Learn Python 3 From Scratch offers a live coding environment to enhance engagement and practical learning.

7. Advanced Python Tutorials | Real Python

Level: Advanced

This course provides comprehensive tutorials on advanced Python topics, including functional programming, data structures, machine learning, parallel programming, object-oriented programming, text classification, and concurrency. Access detailed articles and videos to enhance your understanding.

8. Advanced Algorithms and Complexity | Coursera

Level: Intermediate

This course is designed for learners at an intermediate level who are looking to improve their problem-solving skills using advanced algorithms. The course takes around 27 hours to complete and begins by introducing learners to network flows and how they are applied. It then covers linear programming and streaming algorithms commonly used in processing Big Data. Quizzes and reading materials are also included in the course.

Learning Python can greatly benefit individuals in various fields and industries. Whether you are a student, a professional looking to advance in your career, or simply someone interested in coding, Python offers an accessible and powerful platform for building versatile and efficient applications. With its wide range of applications in data analysis, artificial intelligence, web development, and more, investing the time to learn Python can open up countless opportunities and enhance your skill set.

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